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  • Registrant : ひたちなか市
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/09/08
  • Published : 2023/09/08
  • Changed :2023/09/08
  • Total View : 874 persons
2023/10/1 - 2024/2/27 / ひたちなか市 / Food / Restaurant

Ureshio Cafe + ( plus )

Ure-Salt Cafe is a class that supports salt reduction ・ and salt modification from a young age. We analyze your own eating habits with the latest methods and suggest the best diet for you.

Day 1

Fill out the food habit questionnaire
Urine test
Taste the happy salt menu

Day 2

Explanation of the results of food habit analysis and urine test and individual consultation

Venue Health ・ Care ・ Center, 3rd Floor, Health Education Hall
Address ひたちなか市
Date 2023/10/1 - 2024/2/27
Time detail
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Venue detail

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